Saturday, May 16, 2015 WEBSITE | FORWARD TO A FRIEND | SHARE ON:

Congressional Report

Dear Friends,

Please take a moment to read my latest update from Washington and Texas Congressional District 28. You can stay connected by signing up for my weekly email here.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
To commemorate the month, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is encouraging Veterans, along with their families and friends, to visit and chronicle their recovery journey on the website

Announcing $10 Million in Improvements for Floresville, Poteet, Encinal and Rio Grande City Wastewater Systems

On May 11 in Floresville, USDA Rural Development Undersecretary Lisa Mensah and I announced  a total of over $10 million in federal funds for infrastructure and water projects for the communities of Floresville, Poteet, Encinal and Rio Grande City. My office worked with these cities and the USDA Rural Development to accomplish this funding for communities in Texas Congressional District 28.


Providing Library of Congress Books to Laredo Elementary Students

On May 8, I delivered hundreds of Library of Congress books to students at Dr. Henry Cuellar Elementary in Laredo. The books range from an array of topics including fiction, non-fiction, bilingual stories, children’s novels, and general reading material.

Meeting with Navajo Nation in Zapata to Discuss the Success of ZTAC Facility

On May 6 in Zapata, I met with Vice President Rex Lee Jim from the Navajo Nation and his staff, along with representatives from Zapata County, Harvard Medical School and the U.S. Economic Development Administration to discuss building a health, education and work-training facility within the Navajo Reservation based on the model of the Zapata County Technical and Advanced Education Center (ZTAC) that we built for the people of Zapata just a few years ago.

Announcing Extended VA Benefits to Veterans Living in Zapata and Starr Counties

On May 8, I met with veterans in Zapata to explain that they will now be able to get medical care right in their own town thanks to the VA Choice Program. Click here to read more about the recent expansion in services.

On May 8, I visited with Starr County Judge Eloy Vera and veterans in Rio Grande City to hear their concerns and also to explain their eligibility to receive medical services in their hometown due to the VA Choice Program.

Groundbreaking for Affordable Housing in Alton, Texas
On May 6, my southern district outreach coordinator, Nichole Hernandez, attended the groundbreaking ceremony for La Esperanza de Alton. Through collaboration with my office (prior to redistricting), the U.S.D.A. and the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, the City of Alton was awarded $10.1 million for the development of 80 multi-unit facilities. This project will provide affordable housing to members of the Alton community.


Find out how to apply for an internship with my office either in the district or in D.C.

TX28 Tips
USDA Food Safety & Inspection Services: Recipes for Disaster - Contaminated Carbo Load
In this video from the United States Drug and Food Administration - Food Safety and Inspection Services
, Maria attempts to make a meal for her family, but she ends up contaminating them. Learn how to avoid food contamination by watching Maria's mistakes.


Henry Cuellar

The House of Representatives is in session next week


Rep. Cuellar In the News

5/11/15, Real Estate Rama: USDA Provides Funds to Improve Infrastructure in Rural Texas

5/11/15, El Manana de Nuevo Laredo: Dona Cuellar libros para niños

5/11/15, KSAT: Floresville to get new $9M sewer system

5/8/15, KGNS: KGNS: Rep. Cuellar Delivers Library of Congress Books to Children at Cuellar Elementary

5/8/15, Houston Chronicle: Houston in the hub of trade fight in Congress

5/8/15, Mission Progress Times: Cuellar talks budget at luncheon

5/7/15, The Guardian: US-Mexico border braces for summer migrant surge as children risk lives alone

5/6/15, Rio Grande Guardian: $26.5 million expansion unveiled at McAllen airport

5/6/15, El Chillito: Veteranos podrán recibir servicios médicos en su propia ciudad

5/5/15, KGNS: Congressman Henry Cuellar meets with a representative from Navajo Nation

5/5/15, KGNS: Expanding Access to VA Health Care in Zapata

Neighborhood Office Hours

Tuesday, May 19th

(call for appointment)
9:00am - 10:00am
St. Hedwig, TX

Christine City Office
102 S. 10th Street
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Christine, TX

McMullen County Courthouse Commissioner's Court Room
SH 16 @ Elm Street
10:30am - 11:30am
Tilden, TX

Windcrest City Hall
8601 Midcrown
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Windcrest, TX

(call for appointment)
10:30am - 11:30am
Adkins, TX

Bruni Community Center
303 12th Street
9:00am - 10:00am
Bruni, TX

Mirando City Quad City Community Center
917 N. Main Street
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Mirando, TX

Oilton Elementary School Library
300 DeSpain Street
10:30am - 11:30am
Oilton, TX

Thursday, May 21st

Converse City Hall
403 Seguin
9:00am - 10:00am
Converse, TX

China Grove
(call for appointment)
10:30am - 11:30am
China Grove, TX

Open to San Antonio

Have a question about neighborhood office hours? Call my toll free number at 877-780-0028

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