Congressional Report
Dear Friends,
Please take a moment to read my latest update from Washington and Texas Congressional District 28. You can stay connected by signing up for my weekly email here.
The Growing Case for Ending the Crude Oil Export Ban
The advantages of lifting the ban on crude oil exports are not just theoretical talking points discussed in the halls of Congress, but rather supported by a large and growing body of research by government agencies, academic institutions and think tanks across the political spectrum.
Click here to read my full column in Roll Call.
Discussing Energy Reform with Officials in Mexico

Last week, I met with federal, state and municipal officials in Reynosa, Mexico, to discuss energy reform as well as the possibility of international university student exchange programs for the development of the Eagle Ford Shale within my district in Texas and the Burgos Basin in Mexico.
San Antonio Missions Designated World Heritage Site by UNESCO
On June 5, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named the five San Antonio Missions, including the Alamo, as a World Heritage Site.
Last December, I helped passed legislation to expand the boundaries of San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.
This designation by UNESCO is something all of Texas and the United States should celebrate proudly.
Click here to read more about this designation and comments from the San Antonio Delegation in Congress.
Meeting with Pleasanton Library Staff
On July 2, my outreach coordinator for Atascosa County, Gilbert Lafuente, pictured left rear, met with the Pleasanton Library staff Dorothy Steelman (front), Susanne Ruple (right) and Geanie Hurta (back) to discuss outreach and educational opportunities for the residents of Pleasanton.
Loop 20/Spur 40 Overpass Project in Laredo
On July 6, my district press secretary, Rafael Benavides, met with state and local officials during a press conference announcing the Loop 20/Spur 400 interchange project near Clark Boulevard in East Central Laredo. Construction for this project will begin this month and will reduce congestion and delays at Spur 400 by constructing an overpass and frontage road bridges that will allow vehicles and pedestrians to continue on more efficiently across the existing railroad tracks. This project will cost approximately $34 million, of which 80 percent are from federal funds.
Constituent Highlight: Edwin Torres
In October 2014, Edwin Torres came to my Laredo District Office seeking assistance with the renewal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which had expired. My office worked with the appropriate federal agencies to help him with this process and, last November, Mr. Torres was granted a renewal for two years.
Intern Spotlight:
Katie Payne - San Antonio District Office
Houston native Katie Payne is an intern in my San Antonio District Office. She is currently studying English at Trinity University. She decided to pursue an internship with my office because she believes that working in government provides experiences that will help her "not only in future work, but in becoming a more educated citizen as well."
Read more about Katie and other interns in my office here.
Find out how to apply for an internship with my office either in the district or in D.C. here.
TX28 Tips
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Grilling Like a PRO
Henry Cuellar
The House is in session next week!
Rep. Cuellar
In the News
7/7/15, Tyler Morning-Telegraph: It's time to repeal the oil export ban
7/7/15, Natural Gas Intelligence: Texas Congressman Urges More U.S. Investment in Mexico
7/7/15, Washington Examiner: Energy industry urges Obama to skip Congress to lift ban on oil exports
7/4/15, Laredo Morning Times: Azerbaijan Adventures
7/3/15, McAllen Monitor: McAllen’s attempt for immigration effort reimbursement in limbo
7/3/15, KGBT: Darling: Texas decided not to reimburse McAllen for expense of immigration crisis
7/3/15, Mission Progress Times: Sharyland ISD to use federal funds for counselors
7/2/15, San Antonio Business Journal: Congressman warns: Don't blow opportunity south of border as China eyes Mexico's energy reforms
7/2/15, Rio Grande Guardian: Cuellar: Opportunities for U.S. companies in Mexico’s Burgos Basin
Neighborhood Office Hours
Tuesday, July 14th
Elmendorf City Hall
203 Bexar Ave.
9:30am - 10:00am
Elmendorf, TX
Floresville City Hall
1120 D Street
10:30am - 12:00pm
Floresville, TX
La Salle County Offices
(every other month)
Court House Square
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Cotulla, TX
Encinal City Hall
107 N. Tejas
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Encinal, TX
City Hall Conf. Room
2 1/2 Miles South
Farm Rd. 2360
8:00am - 9:00am
La Grulla, TX
Escobares City Hall
4851 East Hwy 83
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Escobares, TX
Rio Grande City City Hall
101 Washington Street
10:00am - 11:30am
Rio Grande City, TX
Thursday, July 16th
Converse City Hall
403 Seguin
9:00am - 10:00am
Converse, TX
China Grove
(call for appointment)
10:30am - 11:30am
China Grove, TX
Open to San Antonio
Have a question about neighborhood office hours? Call my toll free number at 877-780-0028