Congressional Report
Dear Friends,
Please take a moment to read my latest update from Washington and Texas Congressional District 28. You can stay connected by signing up for my weekly email here.
Rep. Cuellar Supports the Trade Bill

I voted in favor of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) because it will boost American exports, create better jobs with bigger paychecks and help facilitate good relationships with foreign nations. We in Texas need to reap the benefits of this trade bill in order to boost our economy and expand trade. Click here to watch a video of my speech on the House Floor.
Rep. Cuellar Meets with Border Patrol Agents in the Rio Grande Valley

On June 22, I honored nine heroes from the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector who went above and beyond the call of duty and risked their own lives to save the lives of civilians in need. Read more here.
Rep. Cuellar Meets with Students in D.C.

On June 17, I met with students from Close Up Washington D.C. Educational Programs to discuss their educational experience in D.C. and answer questions about what it's like to work int he U.S. House of Representatives.
Meeting with the SBA to Discuss Opportunities for Small Business Owners in the Rio Grande Valley
On June 16, my Southern District Outreach Coordinator, Nichole Hernandez, met with Small Business Administration (SBA) Regional Director Yolanda Olivarez and the Office of Congressman Ruben Hinojosa to discuss outreach opportunities with other entities for business-owners and FEMA funding for affected residents.
Constituent Highlight: Francisco Gonzalez
In January 2015, Francisco Gonzalez came to my Laredo District Office seeking assistance with the renewal of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which had been delayed and jeopardized his work status. My office was able to successfully correspond with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to help him with this process, allowing him to receive his DACA within in a month.
Intern Spotlight:
Alec Martinez - Laredo District Office District Office
Alec Martinez is a junior studying political science and economics at Texas A&M International University and a summer intern in my Laredo District Office.
He decided to pursue an internship in my office because he has a great interest for politics and wants to give back to his community.
Read more about A and other interns in my office here.
Find out how to apply for an internship with my office either in the district or in D.C. here.
TX28 Tips
StopBullying.Gov - KnowBullying App by SAMHSA
Henry Cuellar
The House is in session next week!
Rep. Cuellar
In the News
6/23/15, Valley Town Crier: Border Patrol agents Honored by Congressman for Heroic Acts
6/23/15, El Manana de Reynosa: Reconoce a 9 patrulleros
6/22/15, McAllen Monitor: Congressman honors BP agents for saving lives
6/22/15, Valley Morning Star: Congressman honors BP agents for saving lives
6/19/15, Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Texas to get immigration court help
6/18/15, WOAI: More Immigration Judges Coming to Karnes City, Dilley
6/18/15, El Manana de Reynosa: Consideran ampliar la Interestatal-35
6/18/15, Roll Call: House Passes Trade Promotion Authority Bill
6/17/15, Brownsville Herald: Immigration cases inspire funding request
6/17/15, Frontera Magazine: Llegan a Laredo, Texas dos helicópteros para vigilar la frontera con Texas
6/17/15, El Diario: Proponen más jueces para atender casos de inmigración retrasados
Neighborhood Office Hours
Tuesday, July 2nd
Pleasanton City Hall
108 2nd Street
10:00am - 11:30am
Pleasanton, TX
Charlotte City Maint Bldg
11 Bruce Place
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Charlotte, TX
Jourdanton County Courthouse
1 Courthouse Circle
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Jourdanton, TX
Open to Laredo
Sullivan City Fire Dept. Meeting Room
500 Cenizo
Sullivan City, TX
Penitas City Hall
FM 1427
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Penitas, TX
La Joya Senior Citizens Center
925 Lee Street
11:00am - 12:00pm
La Joya, TX
Have a question about neighborhood office hours? Call my toll free number at 877-780-0028