Congressman Henry Cuellar
28th Congressional District, Texas
US House of Representatives
September 26, 2008


Annie Boehnke
Washington Press Secretary
(202) 225-1640



Legislation makes immediate investments in transportation and public school infrastructure

– During this time of economic uncertainty, U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar voted today in favor of the Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act, H.R. 7110, a $60.8 billion economic stimulus package aimed at growing our economy and creating jobs through investments in our nation’s infrastructure. The stimulus package passed the House by a vote of 264 to 158.

In order to have an immediate effect on the economy, H.R. 7110 would make investments into infrastructure projects that can begin quickly, meet existing needs and create jobs. Projects to improve highways, water sources and public schools would effect short-term benefits by creating demand for local labor and supplies while generating long-term improvements to our infrastructure.


Specifically, the bill would provide:


  • $12.8 billion to improve safety and reduce traffic congestion for highways.
  • $3 billion to repair and renovate public schools, provide students with first class technology, and improve energy efficiency.
  • $1 billion for repair and construction of public housing projects, including critical safety repairs.
  • $5 billion to invest in the nation’s water resource infrastructure with improved flood protection, navigation and hydropower.
  • $4.6 billion to purchase buses and equipment needed to meet the needs for expanded public transportation.
  • $500 million to accelerate the development of technologies that will contribute to reliable, domestic energy supply.

The bill would provide $2.6 billion for a temporary increase to the food stamp program to address rising food costs for seniors, people with disabilities and very poor families with children. Texas would receive $245 million of this allotment, which would effect a projected $450 million economic impact on local economies in Texas. Research by USDA and by an independent economist suggests that $1 in food stamps generates between $1.73 and $1.84 in local economic activity.


“In the wake of economic uncertainty, it is critical that Congress acts to revive our economy to create jobs and help struggling families,” Congressman Cuellar said. “This bill addresses important concerns for my district, including the repair of public schools and highway infrastructure and the rising cost of food for our poorest and disabled.”


Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business, and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress.  Accessibility to constituents, education, health care and economic development are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Senior Whip.