Dear Friend,
Power outages have left some 4 million Texans searching for safety amid dangerously cold temperatures. That’s why my colleagues and I sent a letter to ERCOT, calling for answers regarding widespread power failures, particularly in our most vulnerable communities.
I also spoke with ERCOT this week, expressing my concerns about what I have seen and heard from my constituents in South Texas. Hospitals are working at half capacity and water systems are failing county-wide due to the power outages. This is unacceptable- we must have accountability and transparency.
If you do have power, please conserve energy so that others in our community can access power as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Texas Division of Emergency Management has set up warming centers across the state. Below is a list of the warming centers in our community. Please call 211 for information on additional assistance and resources.
Atascosa County:
First Baptist Church Pleasanton
400 N Reed St., Pleasanton, TX 78064
First Baptist Church Poteet
437 Ave D., Poteet, TX 78065
Bexar County:
Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center
900 E Market St., San Antonio, TX 78205
Judson High School Gymnasium
9142 FM 78, Converse, TX 78109
Hidalgo County:
Mission Rec Building
721 N. Bryan Rd., Mission, TX 78527
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
111 S. 15th St., McAllen, TX 78501
Salvation Army
1600 North 23rd St. McAllen, TTX 78501
McMullen County:
Emergency operation center
306 Live Oak St., Tilden, TX 78072
Wilson County:
Floresville United Methodist Church
1205 B St., Floresville, TX 78114
Webb County:
Sames Auto Arena,
6700 Arena Blvd, Laredo, TX 78041