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Press Release

Rep Cuellar (D-TX) on Trump's border security comments

In response to President Trump’s remarks at the joint session of Congress, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) said,

“I live on the border. I'm raising my family there. The President’s statements show he does not understand it.

Despite rumors and exaggerations, our border communities are safe and thriving. Just ask business leaders. Merchants drive more than two million commercial trucks through Laredo’s ports each year, part of the billions of dollars in U.S.-Mexico trade that drive our economy. Or ask the FBI. Their crime statistics show border Texas cities are safer than the average American metropolitan area.

A border fence is a 14th century solution to a 21st century challenge. Fulfilling the requests of border patrol commanders on the ground for technology and personnel would be far more effective. President Trump’s insistence on building a wall is more about looking tough than actually securing our homeland or supporting our law enforcement.

Most of our southern border is private property, and we Texans are known to stand up for our rights. Family ranches, passed down through generations, cover both sides of an invisible border, and cattle move between countries to graze and seek water. Land owners will not easily submit to federal demands to disrupt this way of life. Anyone who tries to force them should prepare for years of costly lawsuits, at taxpayer expense.”

Rep. Cuellar’s district includes 280 miles of US-Mexico border.