Rep. Cuellar Hosts Laredo Student for State of the Union
Laredo, Texas ,
January 27, 2014
Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) will host fifth grader Luis Castañeda from Dr. Cuellar Elementary School at the nation’s capital to see President Barack Obama give the State of the Union Address. Luis was selected in an essay competition in which the first line of his paper stated, “Going to Washington D.C. with Dr. Henry Cuellar will be the highlight of my life.” Rep. Cuellar will fully cover the airfare and hotel accommodations for Luis and his mother Sylvia in Washington, D.C.
“For the sake of our nation’s future, it is important to open doors for young people,” said Congressman Cuellar. “Exposure to experiences they would not have otherwise helps the younger generations learn and grow. It is even more important when experiences such as these greatly enhance what is being taught in the classrooms. I encourage adults to create educational opportunities for growth and I encourage young people to seek out and take them. Luis and his mother will be meeting Congressman Cuellar in Washington, D.C. on January 28th, the day of the anticipated annual address. The young guest will find himself among an exclusive group consisting of federal representatives and senators during President Obama’s speech and then, he will visit and explore historic sites of the District the next day.
Representative Cuellar and Luis will be available on Wednesday, January 29th at 10:30am EST (9:30am CST) for interviews. Please contact Congressman Cuellar’s press secretary, Miranda Margowsky, to schedule an interview. “Por el bien del futuro de nuestra nación, es importante abrir las puertas a nuestros jóvenes,” dijo el Congresista Cuellar. “Estar expuestos a experiencias que nunca podrían tener de otro modo les ayuda aprender y crecer. Es aun más importante cuando estas experiencias mejoran y complementan a gran medida lo que están aprendiendo en el salón de clase. Les promuevo a los adultos crear estas oportunidades de crecimiento y les promuevo a los jóvenes buscar y tomar estas oportunidades.” Luis y su madre se reunirán con el Congresista Cuellar en Washington, D.C. el 28 de enero, el mismo día del anticipado discurso anual. El joven se encontrara en un grupo exclusivo de representantes y senadores federales durante el discurso del Presidente Obama. El día siguiente, podrá visitar y explorar sitios históricos del distrito federal. El representante Cuellar y Luis serán disponibles para entrevistas el miércoles, 29 de enero a las 10:30 am EST (9:30am CST). Favor de contactar a la secretaria de prensa del Congresista Cuellar, Miranda Margowsky, para coordinar una entrevista. |