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Press Release

Congressman Cuellar Stands with Families of Texas Federal Employees

Federal government employees should not suffer because of the inability to govern of extreme factions within the House Majority

Veterans, small business owners applying for a federal loan, and companies importing or exporting goods are being harmed today because their calls will go unanswered and their paperwork will be delayed all due to an unnecessary and unacceptable government shutdown. Federal workforce should not suffer the consequences of the House and Senate’s inability to govern.  I am with you and your families, I know that you are all hard working government employees and we must do everything we can to get you back to work as soon as possible.

I will support back pay for those federal workers who have to support their families, pay mortgages, and put food on the table.  From those that secure our borders to those who care for our veterans, the service that federal workers provide to the American public is invaluable.

I have fought against the shutdown and called for a clean Continuing Resolution to continue government operations while the two Houses work on passing appropriations bills.

Today, I signed on as a co-sponsor to H.R. 3223, a bill that would make sure all furloughed federal workers affected by the shutdown receive any pay they missed while out on furlough. 

This is very serious for many families.  We're talking about families who won't be able to pay for daycare or their house note. I will stay here in Washington until we resolve this.