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Press Release

Congressman Cuellar Releases Statement on 2014 Continuing Resolution

Congressman Cuellar (D-TX28) released the following statement regarding the House vote on H.J. Res59, the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014:

“Today I voted against the 2014 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, a bill that threatens to push us towards a government shutdown at the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.  Instead of sitting down with Democrats to work out our differences, the House Majority Leadership has decided to move forward with a bill that is essentially dead-upon-arrival in the Senate because of its provision to defund the Affordable Care Act. 

This bill is another example of how partisan politics and a focus on one issue have derailed one of the most important functions of our government.  During my time in the Texas State Legislature, the appropriations bill was the most important piece of legislation and, accordingly, we spent the most time on it.  Here in Washington, we don’t have real conversations about the budget, instead allowing politics to take the place of policy. 

The continuation of the sequester and the provision in the CR that defunds the Affordable Care Act would be devastating to the 28th District of Texas.  Over 30% of the taxpayers living in TX28 are uninsured a defunding of the Affordable Care Act would deny them vital coverage.  The people this provision hits are hardest are some of our most vulnerable – seniors, people with disabilities, children, and pregnant women.  At a time when we should be focusing on job growth, this bill cuts crucial investments in education programs like Heat Starts and job-creating transportation projects in highways, transit, railways, bridges, and ports.

I hope the coming days as we approach October 1st provide an opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to work together on what is annually the most important piece of legislation for our country.  It is a shame that we have waited until the last minute to begin this process.”